We can support your business with an experience of more than a decade and really passionate professionals.
We provide our services for GNU/Linux and *BSD servers where not differently stated.
From the first setup of your mail server to a managed solution keeping your business up&running
Need to deploy your software solution for Windows, Linux or BSD? We can take care of it.
Setup, fine tuning, maintainance: your data is one of your most valuable assets, keep it safe and private
GRYSOL provides office automation utilities and software solutions for both companies and retail users alongside IT consultancy services. Wanna try our addons? Feel free to contact us.
Easily build PowerPoint presentations based on Excel reports, automate and enrich e-mails to your customers using your Excel worksheet, Split workbooks with multiple criterias, Merge workbooks to ease your job.
Empower your formulas using regular expressions to manipulate or extract informations
© GrySol OĆ 2021-2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Sepapaja 6, Tallinn 15551, Estonia. Registry code 16559353, VAT num. EE102602801